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HEST Outdoor Gear
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Go enjoy the outdoors. Make memories.
Load up your friends and families knowing that you will sleep well and wake up psyched and ready to charge the day.
Check out our enhanced memory foam camp mattresses and pillows for your next outdoor adventure.
FITS THE WHOLE FAMILY: The Dually, our two-person camping mattress, was designed for flat and dry sleeping spaces found in campers, rooftop tents, and vans. It sleeps two comfortably with room for an adventure dog to join! The comfort of your home in a portable, durable, camping trip-ready form.
ENHANCED MEMORY FOAM: Our products are engineered for optimal body alignment, pressure point relief, and temperature regulation. Two layers of high-performance memory foam provide the most comfortable camping mattress available
SPACE SAVER: The Dually folds in half to be stored out of the way and surrounds itself with a protective bottom material so you can throw whatever you got on top!
FITTED SHEET: Just like your home sheet, the HEST Fitted sheet is made out of premium quality fabric. It’s memory foam compatible and portable for sleeping on the go just like your HEST mattress. Fits Dually Long 50″ or Sleep System 25″ x 2, Foamy 25″ x 2.
STASH POCKET: While in sleep mode the stash pocket is a perfect place to keep phones, keys, headlamps, etc. Just like your nightstand at home, you can sleep comfortably knowing your important things are secure & easy to reach.
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Original price was: $683.00.$670.40Current price is: $670.40.
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